The Best NFT Memes Ever
Speaking of memes, the NFT space did not disappoint. As a community built on blockchain art and internet culture, things can and often do change on a dime. From 48-hour cryptocurrency crashes to random celebrities joining NFT projects, there’s always something to talk about in the NFT space.
But when just talking about cultural events isn’t enough, you can always count on the NFT Development to whip up a meme or two to bolster the social media voice. So, in order to give people a glimpse of the unsung heroes of an irreplaceable and bizarre world, we’ve brought you the best NFT memes of all time — from crypto tax memes to the famous Gary Vee smirk.
If you want to check out meme NFTs (that is, famous memes sold as NFTs), we’ve got you covered too.
The Wolf of Wall Street on NFTs
Over the past year, NFTs have grown from a niche internet fad to one of the hottest pop culture phenomena of the 2020s. Not everyone likes NFTs and not everyone knows what they are, but that hasn’t stopped countless artists and collectors from selling them.
With all the hype, some people are willing to buy almost anything as an NFT, hoping the asset will be worth the money. This drove price speculation and eventually a crash. For example, remember Tulip Mania? NFTs based on the 16th century Dutch tulip craze have created an obsession of their own — one of 50 pixelated tulip NFTs sold for over $55,000. Today, you can own one for as little as 0.05 ETH — about $160.
Crypto Tax Memes
Ah, tax season. It’s that time of year when we’re all scrambling to figure out our gains and losses from the previous year. As this tax meme points out, many of us are often left with nothing after we’ve made all the state and federal payments. Fortunately, there is a lot of information available on how to report NFT assets, gains, and tax losses.
Twitter suspends NFT
Did Twitter take down NFTs? unnecessary. However, NFT, the joint venture of Jason Falovitch and Mark Cuban, was held in a Twitter jail in February 2022. “The account has been disabled for repeated violations of our policies and will not be reinstated,” a spokesperson for Instagram’s Meta, the parent company, told Rolling Stone .
Twitter user “Space Cowboy” publicly accused the verification page of “promoting a shady scam copy pasta NFT project without proper disclosure,” resulting in the account being banned.
McDonald’s tweets about encryption
A long-standing joke in the cryptocurrency and NFT community is that blockchain millionaires will have to go back to their IRL jobs, such as working at the local McDonald’s, when the charts go down. Well, the chart really dropped in January 2022, so McDonald’s social media team took the opportunity to check out the community with this biting tweet. Creators and collectors took it in stride, though, and fought back with some jabs of their own.
Larva Lab Pokémon Memes
LarvaLabs, the team behind CryptoPunks, found itself facing quite a bit of Pokémon-inspired meme. One of the company’s co-founders, John Watkinson, sold his V1 CryptoPunks NFT shares. A few days after selling them, Larva Labs attempted to blacklist the budding project and have it launch on the NFT marketplace. This condemnation has the potential to cause the price of V1 Punks to plummet, causing financial losses to everyone who buys NFTs from Watkinson.

At the same time, Watkinson keeps all the money he sells and doesn’t lose money from falling prices — caused by a company he and another person control.
Tom Brady retires over NFT memes
We’ve seen many celebrities parody NFT projects, but never quite like Tom Brady. In February 2022, he announced that he was retiring from the NFL to focus on his NFT startup Autograph (and of course his family). Brady’s retirement ultimately lasted only 40 days. That doesn’t mean Brady’s era of NFTs is over. He partnered with ESPN to create a collection of NFTs based on his career.
Kevin’s unfinished Pixelmon meme
Ah, Kevin. This particular meme was born after Pixelmon was revealed. Pixelmon is a project that fetched over $70 million through a Dutch auction of undisclosed NFTs. Although the art is not quite ready , give us Kevin (the name Kevin is the name of the NFT’s “species” trait).
“I’m not going to whitewash it — we made a terrible mistake,” Pixelmon creator Syber wrote on Discord. “This is unacceptable. We feel pressured to push the display and the reality is we are not ready to push the artwork. It’s not about the brand and we’ll fix that because we’ve let a lot of people down,” he continued. , the team will spend $2 million to remodel the artwork.
Today, Pizelmon is an open world RPG NFT game where you can train, evolve and fight your Pixelon. Kevin is still as famous as ever. He inspired meme NFT spinoff art collections such as “he Lives of Kevin” and Kevin Punks.
Vitalik Bear meme
The co-founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin was all dressed up when he was spotted on stage at ETHDenver. Not only did the programmer appear to be wearing pajamas on stage, but at one point he appeared in a full-body bear suit. He was known to be naughty on stage, but since the event took place during a small cryptocurrency crash, many immediately saw the meme’s potential.
GaryVee smirk emoji
Few names are as influential in the NFT ecosystem as Gary Vaynerchuk, AKA GaryVee. The wine critic turned social media mogul is chairman of New York-based communications company VaynerX. Over the past year or so, GaryVee has gone from NFT collector to creator, even launching VaynerNFT to help celebrities and brands with their own NFT efforts, and of course, creating the VeeFriends ecosystem.
NFT Roadmap Memes
Before trying out a new NFT project, it’s important to do some research on what the project is all about, the people behind it, and where they plan to take it. A lot of times, NFT roadmaps are promises without any substance…like a full frothy beer. Just look at Pixelmon, the company that raised $70 million and then delivered Kevin, who also made the list.
The NFT project Frosties also has a promising roadmap that includes sweepstakes, merchandise and even the promise of a “special fund to ensure Frosties’ longevity.” However, the project’s developers earned over $1 million in ETH within hours of launching. They have been arrested. What’s the best way to avoid such scams? Do your research.
Donny Darko seeks IRL friends
When you dig into NFTs, it’s much easier to make friends in the metaverse than in real life. Never having a chance to see your friends’ faces or hear their voices is nothing to worry about…right?
Seriously though, it’s incredible to see real connections made in the community. Many of these online friends have even turned into IRL relationships through meetups and events.
never had a chance
It happens often. You think you have a chance to win the auction, and then a whale breaks in and shatters your dreams. In this case, Jinyou NFT is escaped. It’s just one of 5,000 animated characters created by Markus Magnusson.
In March 2021, TRON blockchain founder Justin Sun overbids in the last 20 seconds of a Christie’s auction in what may be one of the most high-profile bidding events. He lost the piece he owned? Beeple’s daily life: the first 5000 days of NFT.
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